The top of this page has a number of published articles involving Kilsby Sinkhole. Scroll a little further down, and you’ll find a library of videos, too.
Article on Kilsby’s Hole by Gretel Sneath appeared in the Aug / Sep 2014 issue of Outback magazine
Police divers train in the depths of Kilsbys sinkhole By Kate Hill (ABC RADIO) 3 March, 2015
Limestone Coast’s unique sinkholes a deep water training ground for police divers ABC South East SA By Kate Hill (ABC RADIO)
Out of the abyss: Spectacular images of divers exploring massive water-filled cavern hidden beneath a nondescript PADDOCK
Cave Diving in Kilsby’s Sinkhole Mount Gambier
Landline feature on Kilsby Sinkhole – ‘What Lies Beneath’. Video now expired